Nothing Peaky About Year Two’s Trip to the Black Country Living Museum

On Tuesday 17th September, Year 2 stepped back in time during their visit to the Black Country Living Museum. History and Art were brought to life, as the children walked the cobbled streets of Dudley and explored the architecture, texture and patterns of the buildings as part of their Art topic.

The children looked at canal boats and learned how most canal families had been forced to leave their homes on land, due to lack of money and live on their canal boats. This led to overcrowding, unsanitary conditions and limited education for the children as they were constantly on the move.

In contrast, Year 2 ventured to the school room and participated in a 1912 lesson involving: rhymes, rote times tables and alphabet forward and backwards.

In the Higgledy Piggledy house owned by a wealthy family, lived the children Rose and Jack. The children learned about their daily lives and explored their cottage garden and small holding. Afterwards, they visited the back to back houses and the children were all in agreement that they were relieved that they didn’t have to use the outdoor toilets.

They saw sparks fly as the Chainmaker forged a link of chain and the children were excited to learn that the Titanic’s anchor and chain were forged in The Black Country. One child commented, “Wow, I’ve been reading all about this in my School reading book and now I can tell Mummy and Daddy I’ve seen how it’s done!”

A fabulous day was had by all.

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